How 12 Step Slogans Work in 12 Step Programs
You've probably heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, the grandfather of all 12 step programs. Years later, this program multiplied into several programs helping millions recover from other addictions and harmful behaviors. One of their treasures is the slogans - sayings that make you feel better during difficult times.
12 step slogans are helpful sayings and acronyms that explain how the program works. Their purpose is to support sobriety and emotional health. Sayings like Easy Does It and One Day at A Time became the program's basic principles. In fact, these became so popular that even if you're not in recovery you've probably heard of them.
How Does 12 Step Recovery Work?
The slogans are an intricate part of the program's success. A member's recovery includes:
Working the 12 steps to heal the wreckage of the past
Following the 12 traditions to the keep the meetings safe
Using 12 step slogans to keep your attitudes in check
Staying connected with other members for support
Working with a sponsor to guide you through the program
Doing service at meetings to work with others and give back
The History of 12 Step Slogans
The slogans were created when some of the original members got into a heated discussion about using the word GOD. Someone suggested that they "Keep it simple" by adding little sayings to make the program easier to understand. It worked!
The slogans interrupt negative or fearful thoughts that can lead to relapse and emotional stress. So when a crisis hits or you want to use again, the slogans serve as a reminder to stay in the moment and not get into fear. Because they're simple and easy to remember, the slogans grew in popularity.
A common slogan is "Take what you like and leave the rest" which means it’s okay to disagree. Not everything will speak to you.
List of Popular 12 Step Slogans
One day at a time
This too shall pass
First things first
How important is it?
Keep it simple
Live and let live
Principles before personalities
Progress not perfection
Easy does it
Let go and let God
Act as if
Do the next right thing
More will be revealed
Keep coming back
It works if you work it
Turn it over
Take what you like and leave the rest
Recovery is a journey not a destination
Think, think, think
Stick with the winners
Don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle
When Slogans Really Matter
Sometimes, a particular slogan might not mean much until something painful happens. For instance, "This too shall pass" means a lot more when you’ve lost your job and are freaked out about money.
12 step slogans and acronyms help by:
Giving comfort in times of stress
Encouraging a more positive perspective
Changing negative self-talk
Keeping you focused on the present moment
Helping you mind your own business
A List of 12 Step Acronyms
GOD - Good Orderly Direction
This keeps you focused on God's will verse trying to control it yourself.
EGO - Edging God Out
Thinking that you know best, you stop relying on your Higher Power.
FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real
What you fear rarely happens, so don't assume that it will.
KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetie
Don't complicate things by making stuff up.
HOPE - Hear Other People's Experiences
Hearing each other's experiences makes you feel less alone.
FINE - Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional
Instead of pretending everything's "fine" you admit what’s really happening.
NUTS - Not Using The Steps
A reminder to not get too far from working the steps
These sayings can be applied to a variety of situations which is why they are so helpful! Choose which ones speak to you for a quick pick me up!
A List of 12 Step Programs
Have you ever wondered if 12 step programs could help you? Unfortunately, the misconceptions often prevent people from seeking help. Click here to read about what's true and what's myth 12 Step Myths.
12 step programs support people recovering from:
Substance abuse including alcohol, pills or other drugs
People pleasing, and other codependent behaviors
Compulsive behaviors like sex, overeating, and gambling
Relationship issues stemming from childhood abuse or neglect
Here's a list of 12 step recovery programs in Wikipedia. Some are worldwide and most are throughout the US. The great thing is that they are free! If you need support or can't afford professional help, this is a great option!
Carrying the Message of Recovery
There is an excitement in early recovery when the program starts to work. You feel supported for the first time in your life. So... you decide to share your excitement by trying to convince others to get into recovery.
Though you have good intentions, another slogan says "Recovery is for people who want it, not for those that need it." No one can be pushed into the program. Usually people have to hit a bottom emotionally or physically before being willing to go. Your job if you’re up for it is to be the example.
Each slogan offers a message of hope and encouragement. It helps you focus on what's important and let go of what isn't. Next time, you get stressed, try one out! They work if you work it!